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Welding defectology


In person




12 hours

General objective:

The objective of the course is for students to acquire skills to identify the different welding defects and their causes, as well as the measures to be taken so that they do not occur.

Specific goals:

  • Identify the different types of defects.
  • Know the causes that produce them and the measures we must take to prevent them from appearing.
  • Know the different regulations applicable to welding defects and know how to consult them when carrying out an inspection.


  1. Typical defects of welded joints
  2. Causes and solutions
  3. ISO 6520-1 standard
  4. ISO 5817 standard
  5. Examples

Prerequisites: It is aimed at active and unemployed workers.

Duration: 12 hours (10 theoretical hours and 2 practical hours in the workshop).

Face-to-face modality

Tuition fees: Ask for a quote. This training can be subsidised through FUNDAE.

Welding defectology