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Technical English for Industry and Shipping


In person




100 h

The overall objective of the course is:

  • To enable the worker to communicate in English in professional fields related to industry and mechanical and naval manufacturing.

The specific objectives of the course are:

  • Basic social skills training in English.
  • To know the technical vocabulary of the industrial field and of mechanical and naval manufacturing.
  • To prevent the lack of English language skills from being a barrier to labour market insertion and territorial mobility.

The content of the course is divided into several parts:

Module 1: Review of basic notions

Module 2: Communication within the workshop and shipyard

Module 3: Common parts and components of machines and tools

Module 4: Hand tools

Module 5: Workshop machines

Module 6: Welding

Module 7: Painting

Module 8: Breakdowns and repairs

Module 9: Safety at work

Technical English for Industry and Shipping